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March 12, 2010


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I agree with you, while social networking is great (and the internet and blogs are an opiate to my lust for more and more information) Everything in moderation is how I put it (but more difficult to practice).


I like your self-preservation rules, Kristin. I think by writing it down it helps keep things in perspective. I cut back, follow my rules, start adding back more, get overwhelmed, start over again. The process of keeping myself in check is not linear. I am guilty of leaving tabs open, and not shutting down my computer at night. I'll take this to heart.

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Nice to hear how other writers handle this issue. Thanks to Rose & Kim for checking in and sharing your thoughts.

Dawn Herring

I totally understand the internet overload issue, Kristin. There is a place for it, no doubt, but it's essential to have your ground rules so it doesn't overtake your time overtly.

Connecting with others is important and even fun, but there is a time when you need to shut everything down and just be.

I can relate to having too many tabs open. I usually have my personal tabs like you described (it's cool to see another writer having a similar approach), but keeping it down to one or two to read at a time. Otherwise it can get overwhelming and time consuming.

Moderation is good in all areas in life, including life on the web. Thanks for sharing your perspective so honestly (and humorously. ;)).

Be refreshed,
Dawn Herring

Spencer L Casey

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure this all out. It takes way too much time, that's for sure. I could have written so many books in the time I've spend social networking and all, but I didn't right so many books before social networking, so that's not it. Just another justification or excuse.

Good luck. If I solve any of life's great mysteries, I'll be sure and let you know.



Wendy Nelson Tokunaga

So glad to hear about another writer's love/hate relationship with social networking. I'm trying to work out the best strategy as well and appreciate your 6 rules.

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  • Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe
Shanghai, China

I live in Shanghai, China, with my Irish
husband and Vietnamese daughter.
Throughout the past four years, I've
crisscrossed the globe more times than
I can count, and while doing so, have
discovered what a kooky, miraculous,
and lovely place our world is. My experiences
enlighten me, inspire me, and crack me up.
