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April 13, 2010


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I am so glad I've found you - yes! I am reading your stories! Keep sharing. They are wonderful.

It's kind of funny because when I first moved to Paris I actually got a major case of writer's block. I thought I would have ten million new stories - but nothing doing. Because I *did* have ten million new stories, but it was also, well, my LIFE I was trying to figure out. Lots of processing, took awhile for the stories to start making it to the page.

It probably doesn't sound as big a leap to France as to China, but living in another language, culture and being reminded everyday that you are a foreigner (French word for foreigner is "etranger" - notice how "strange" is the root of that?) - well, it definitely is a trip. PLUS, to live in such a literary capital can make your own efforts feel really, really small.

Happy to report that I'm back at it because, yes, I crossed over at some intangible moment to feeling like a 'citizen of the world' as you say. Well, I probably wouldn't have said it that way to myself, but I just felt...free. I was not "displaced" from my home (I barely even know what home means anymore). I have learned that I *can* make a home anywhere. Isn't that cool?

Thanks for your awesome posts. Sorry for the long comment. Clickety-clicking away.

Meryl K Evans

Love having your insight into life of an expat. I'll never be an expat, but I will be a visitor to far flung places... I hope.


Thanks for this Kristin!

Yes, we don't have an anthem. We don't even have a category in the Yahoo Directory or any of the other biggies. I checked. I wanted to submit my global niche blog to a global citizen section. Doesn't exist. How crazy is that? We're out here doing it, and yet, the name for what we're doing, what we're experiencing, hasn't seeped back home.

Keep writing, and posting, and submitting (critical mass and all).

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  • Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe
Shanghai, China

I live in Shanghai, China, with my Irish
husband and Vietnamese daughter.
Throughout the past four years, I've
crisscrossed the globe more times than
I can count, and while doing so, have
discovered what a kooky, miraculous,
and lovely place our world is. My experiences
enlighten me, inspire me, and crack me up.
