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April 25, 2010


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Casey Freeland

Central Park was much that way when we went there. Actually Anderson River Park near my home is a lot like that. We were there Saturday for Family Fun Day and there were a couple of soccer games, several B-day parties, live Mexican hat dance performers, a fishing demonstration, several musicians and display booths. It was a pretty full day. It's not usually that busy. I think folks were just so happy to be out in the sun. No shitting either.

Oh, the guy who was lettering in water was writing, "I'm lettering in water so read fast." :)



Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Oh THAT'S what he was writing! :)

Amy U

Thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoy catching glimpses of Chinese culture through your lense & hand. (But most enjoy seeing pics of Tully & you.)
Thank God for the rules of ethical conduct. Kind of cut down on your begging for the day, too.

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  • Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe
Shanghai, China

I live in Shanghai, China, with my Irish
husband and Vietnamese daughter.
Throughout the past four years, I've
crisscrossed the globe more times than
I can count, and while doing so, have
discovered what a kooky, miraculous,
and lovely place our world is. My experiences
enlighten me, inspire me, and crack me up.
