When I posted on Facebook that I was working on the 1-sentence pitch for my next novel, two friends came up with great suggestions:
- Just read me!
- International bestseller!
Good god, I wish it were that easy.
Instead I've been holed up in my tiny office for the past six days rolling sentence after sentence around in my noggin, on a piece of scratch paper, and on the computer screen. I've written possible 1-sentence pitches on receipts from City Shop, my left hand, yellow stickies, a menu (while out to dinner), the inside cover of The Best American Travel Writing 2009, and other sundries.
For all you non-writers out there, the 1-sentence pitch is your "elevator pitch." You know, you find yourself in an elevator with a top editor at a top publishing house who can make or break your career and you've got, oh, 15 seconds or so to pitch your book. (Of course, this is an absurd and highly unlikely scenario in today's publishing world, but go with me.)
You can also think of the 1-sentence pitch as what you tell a fellow mom you meet at the playground and with whom you have a quick conversation while your kids are climbing the monkey-bars. As her two-year-old runs off in the direction of the street, she hollers over her shoulder, "What's your book about?" and you've got about 15 seconds before she's out of earshot.
Soooooooooo...how's it all going?
Well, while being tortured by the 1-sentence pitch, I've also written a 1-paragraph pitch and a 2-paragraph pitch (getting it all done in one fell swoop). According to my husband, the 2-paragraph pitch is (hee hee) "pitch-perfect."
But, he went on to tell me, the 1-sentence pitch isn't.
I wish he were wrong, but I know he's right.
So it's back to the scribbling pad.
Wish me luck. Cause you know, since I am going to moving halfway around the world in about five weeks, there are just few other things I should be doing.
Pencil Photo Credit: Francesco Marino / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Film Clip Photo Credit: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
This may sound like a brag, Kristin, and maybe it is. But I spent 12 years of my adult life writing radio copy and I'm very good at elevator pitches.
If nothing else, if you want to bounce a couple off me, let me know. I'd be happy to give you my unprofessional opinion.
Cheers and good luck!
Posted by: Casey Freeland | August 25, 2010 at 12:53 AM
Thanks, Casey. I may take you up on that once I have a version I'm somewhat content with. Appreciate it!
Posted by: Kristin Bair O'Keeffe | August 25, 2010 at 06:44 PM