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August 11, 2010


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Exciting news! Love the drawings - I completely understand the mix of emotions that comes with such a move. I've only ever moved within Europe but that was enough of a wrench.

Good luck with everything move-associated and for the future!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

In any event, exciting! Looking forward to following your journey :)


Great news! I already know you CAN do change well -- just think of all you experienced in the last 5 years!!! You'll be brilliant!!! On a selfish note, I hope you'll visit my book group to discuss THIRSTY -- it's on our reading list for 2010-2011!

Christina Katz

Think of all of the book club video conferences you'll be able to do when you are on the same time as all of us Americans! I think you'll like that part. ;)

Casey Freeland

I think this is a great thing for you and your family. Feels right from what I've read of you. Congratulations.


Brian Stelmack

China's loss is our gain! Enjoy the remaining time in China and best of luck with the move. Let us know once you are back in the US and we can schedule a visit.

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Thanks for all the support, everyone. Now, if you can all pop in to our apartment in the next few weeks to help me pack/throw stuff away/etc., that would be awesome! You can also provide a shoulder to cry on. :)


Will be watching your journey back across the world! Good luck with everything - it'll always be a beautiful, far-flung life!

Cynthia Schuerr

I know how disheveled you must feel. But, remembering your posts from your last trip to the U.S. and all of the pictures of Tully and her cousins, it's where you all belong, isn't it?
I am so happy for you, Kristin:-) Please have a safe journey home! ((( HUGS )))

PJ Kaiser

I *so* know what you are going through. I felt the same way when we left Mexico after six years. You've been there long enough that it's your *home*, not just where you're living. Hugs to you and best wishes for your move.


Aw, right when I moved here (well, to Dalian)!
And can i say I'm super jealous of your ayi? Being a SAHM with no babysitter and no house help here in a foreign country is the hardest thing i've ever done - and i've only been here a week! If only English teachers made more money!

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  • Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe
Shanghai, China

I live in Shanghai, China, with my Irish
husband and Vietnamese daughter.
Throughout the past four years, I've
crisscrossed the globe more times than
I can count, and while doing so, have
discovered what a kooky, miraculous,
and lovely place our world is. My experiences
enlighten me, inspire me, and crack me up.
