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October 21, 2010


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Glad to see you've landed safely and happily back in the US. Enjoy those grapes! Will look forward to hearing more about repatriation, a topic to many of us still in Shanghai!

valentina acava mmaka

It's lovely to hear that someone need to change life every once ina while.... me too as you say, i feel this need, and since i took my first plane at the age of 8 months to south africa from italy i never stopped to change after some years place, country, continent, job ( a part writing which is my main activity) friends and habits.... what i can say is that all my changes had one thing in common, at least the continet, which ahs always been Africa. anyway i fear what we call static nature, i can't immagine someone borning living and dying in the same place... even now that i have three children i'm still in the process of changing... next year back to Africa. Well i don't know if I'll ever reach the point of having my own house, sometimes i wish sometimes i fear... well best wishes for your life back to Us

Valerie Willman

I loved following your random, yet profound, thoughts flit around on the the page.

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  • Kristin Bair O'Keeffe

Kristin Bair O'Keeffe
Shanghai, China

I live in Shanghai, China, with my Irish
husband and Vietnamese daughter.
Throughout the past four years, I've
crisscrossed the globe more times than
I can count, and while doing so, have
discovered what a kooky, miraculous,
and lovely place our world is. My experiences
enlighten me, inspire me, and crack me up.
