- Zai Jian -- The hardest part about being an expatriate? Transience. Friends come; friends go. With much greater intensity and frequency than in most other sub-bubbles of humanity. We expats leap into life in a foreign country, and in order to handle the changes, most of us work like crazy to "find our tribe." Earlier this week, one of my bestest ever friends left Shanghai for good. We met way back in 2006 when we were both newbies to China; we've been hanging out ever since. Now she's back in the United States, no longer a quick 5:00 phone call away.
- The Last Page -- Yesterday I taught the final class of my writing workshop here in Shanghai. It rocked. All the things that happen in a successful workshop happened. Throughout the six weeks, the students learned to trust their own voices and stories; they learned to trust their fellow writers; their writing got stronger; they got more confident; they learned a lot about reading as writers; they wrote good stuff; and we all had a great time...and a lot of laughs. Bravo to my students for showing up and doing the work.
- I'm Leaving On A Jetplane... -- Tomorrow (Friday) me, my hubs, and our 2-year-old Tulliver will board a plane bound for the United States. While I love and look forward to our annual visit to the States, I'm no longer surprised by the amount of work it takes to get ready for said trip. Holy schmoly. Why is it so hard to get 2 big people and 1 small person ready for an around-the-world journey? Beats me, but it is. I just keep chanting, "Don't forget your U.S. drivers licenses" cause you know, that would suck. (Last time we got all the way to the Shanghai airport before we realized we had left the stroller behind at our apartment. Um, bad, bad, bad.)
- Book Promotion -- In my ongoing exploration into cool, creative ways to promote books, I came across this story about novelist Jennifer Belle who has hired actresses to read her newest novel (The Seven Year Bitch) in public and laugh while reading. Clever, unique, and probably a little expensive. I like it. (Read the full story here.)
- Thirsty -- Which brings me to my novel, THIRSTY. Have you read it? What? You haven't? Oh, my friend, it's time you did. Click here to learn more about it. Click here to buy it from Amazon.
- 13 Fabulous Overlooked Books by Famous Authors -- The Huffington Post listed 13 books by famous authors that many readers haven't read. How many have you read? Some cool finds here. (I can't believe Marquez's Of Love & Other Demons is an overlooked book! It's one of my favorites. Bartleby the Scrivener, too.)
- Einstein's Brain -- Did YOU know that someone stole Einstein's brain (after he was dead, of course)? I didn't, but now that I do know, I'm kinda intrigued. Who the heck runs off with a brain? NPR ran the story earlier this week. (Click here to read.)
Now...off to pack.
Hot Air Balloon Photo Credit: J Frasse / FreeDigitalPhotos.net